First Block

1st Block Physical Science
Upcoming Events!

The High School STEM Career Day at Akron will be held on 
Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018
Here is the link to register:

Final Exams Week

Monday 1/15: No School - MLK Day

Final Exam Practice Quizizz:  Go to
Newton's Laws code: 598482
Work, Energy, and Power code: 444324
Electricity and Circuits code: 458629
Waves and Sound: 000948
Astronomy code: 546771

Physics code: 687157

Tuesday 1/16:
Due: Index Card (3x5 card, 1-sided, handwritten), Astronomy Quiz #2
In Class: Review for Final Exam
HW: Study for the Final Exam

Wednesday 1/17
Final Exams for Blocks 1 and 2, Course Evaluation Survey

Missing an Online Quiz?  
Use the following links to make up your missing work!
Quizizz on Light and EM Spectrum:, Code: 826494

Thursday 1/18:
Final Exams for Block 3 and 4

Friday 1/19: No School - Teacher Records Day - End of Semester 1

Unit 13: Stars
Wednesday 1/10:
Due:  Finish Doppler Shift and the Changing Universe graph and conclusion questions, Quiz #1 Study Guide
In Class: Lab Discussion, Lab Quiz Introduce Stars, Gizmo - Star Spectra, H-R Diagram
HW: Astronomy Quiz #1, Read and Take Notes on Ch. 33.1-4

Thursday 1/11:
Due: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 33.1-4
In Class: Finish H-R Diagram, Notes and Discussion - Star Cycle, Star Cycle Activity
HW: Gizmo - H-R Diagram + online questions, Read and Take Notes Ch. 33.5-6

Friday 1/12:
Due: Gizmo Packet + Online Questions, Notes ch. 33.5-6
In Class: Finish Notes, Star Cycle Activity, Stary Cycle Flow Chart
HW: Stellar Cycle Conclusion Questions, Study for Astronomy Quiz #2Astronomy Quiz #2, Index Card (3x5 card, 1-sided, handwritten)

Monday 1/15: No School - MLK Day

Final Exam Practice Quizizz:  Go to
Newton's Laws code: 598482
Work, Energy, and Power code: 444324
Electricity and Circuits code: 458629
Waves and Sound: 000948
Astronomy code: 546771
Physics code: 687157

Tuesday 1/16:
Due: Index Card (3x5 card, 1-sided, handwritten)
In Class: Review for Final Exam
HW: Study for the Final Exam

Wednesday 1/17
Final Exams for Blocks 1 and 2

Thursday 1/18:
Final Exams for Block 3

Unit 12: Light and the Universe
Monday 1/1: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Tuesday 1/2: No School - Winter Break

Wednesday 1/3: Welcome Back!

Due: None
In Class: EM Spectrum, Movie - Beyond the Big Bang
HW: Notes on Ch. 13.1-4

Thursday 1/4: No School - Cold Weather Day!
The semester is coming to a quick close and we are pressed for time.  Please complete the following assignments from home.  Stay Warm!
  1. Use this link to Finish Movie - Beyond the Big Bang and complete your notes paper
  2. Use your video notes on this Take Home Quiz - History of the Universe

Friday 1/5: No School - Cold Weather Day #2!
The semester is coming to a quick close and we are pressed for time.  Please complete the following assignments from home.  Stay Warm!

  1. Notes on Ch. 13.1-4, and Ch. 14.2-3
  2. Watch the following 2 video clips: How do Telescopes Work?Video Clip - VLT
  3. Take-Home Quiz - Light and the EM Spectrum on Quizizz: Code 751953
  4. Explore this Website: The Scale of the Universe 2

Monday 1/8:
Due: Notes on Ch. 14.2-3
In Class: Notes and Discussion on Big Bang TheoryOur Galactic Address, Discuss "Scale of the Universe", Element Spectra
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 34, Quiz #1 Study GuideFinish Snow Day Assignments

Tuesday 1/9:
Due: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 34
In Class:  Lab - Doppler Shift and the Changing Universe
HW:  Finish Doppler Shift and the Changing Universe graph and conclusion questions, Quiz #1 Study Guide

Wednesday 1/10:
Due:  Finish Doppler Shift and the Changing Universe graph and conclusion questions, Quiz #1 Study Guide
In Class: Lab Discussion, Lab Quiz Introduce Stars
HW: Astronomy Quiz #1 (record your own scores on the Fill -In sections by taking a picture), Read and Take Notes on Ch. 33.1-4

Unit 11: Waves and Sound

Wednesday 12/13:
Due: Study for Quiz - Electricity and Circuits
In Class: Quiz Review, Quiz - Electricity and Circuits, Introduce Waves
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 12.1-4

Thursday 12/14:
Due: Notes Ch. 12.1-4
In Class: Notes - Waves, Properties of Sound
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 12.5- 10

Friday 12/15:
Due: Notes on Ch. 12.5-10
In Class: Sound Demos, Discussion of Sound and Hearing
HW: None

Monday 12/18:
Due: None
In Class: Lab- Sound Wave Stations
HW: Finish Lab Questions, Waves Study Guide

Tuesday 12/19:
Due: Finish Lab Questions, Last day to turn in Ch. 12 notes
In Class: Lab Quiz, Review Waves
HW: Waves Study Guide

Wednesday 12/20:
Due: Waves Study Guide
In Class: Quiz - Waves and Sound
HW: Final Exam Study Guide

Enjoy your holiday break!  Come back fresh and renewed for Astronomy in January!

Unit 10: Electricity and Circuits

Monday 12/4:
Due:Study for Quiz
In Class: Lab Discussion, Lab Quiz, Quick Review, Quiz - Work, Energy, and Power
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 10.1-6

Tuesday 12/5:
Due:  Notes on Ch. 10.1-6
In Class: Lab - Inverse-Square Law, Discuss the behavior of charged particles and Coulomb's Law
HW: Coulomb's Law Worksheet

Wednesday 12/6:

Due: Coulomb's Law Worksheet
In Class: Notes - Electricity, Path Finders Worksheet
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 10.7- 11

Thursday 12/7:
Due: Notes on Ch. 10.7-11
In Class: Explore the behavior of charged particles - Van de Graff Generator, Circuit Breakers Activity, Worksheet - Ohm's Law,  Notes - Circuits
HW: Worksheet - Circuit Happenings

Friday 12/8:
Due: Worksheet - Circuit Happenings
In Class: Finish Notes - Circuits, Gizmo - Circuits
HW: Gizmo Online Questions, Study for Quiz - Electricity and Circuits

Monday 12/11:
Due: Gizmo Online Questions
In Class: Lab - Series and Parallel Circuits, Review for Quiz
HW: Study for Quiz - Electricity and Circuits

Tuesday 12/12:

Due: None
In Class: Review for Quiz, Quizizz
Wednesday 12/13:
Due: Study for Quiz - Electricity and Circuits
In Class: Quiz - Electricity and Circuits, Introduce Waves and Sound
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 12.1-4

Unit 9: Mechanical Energy

Tuesday 11/21:
Due: Newton's Laws Study Guide (Updated)
In Class: Motion Quiz 2 - Newton's Laws of Motion
HW: Notes on Ch. 6.1-6.6

Wednesday - Friday 11/22-24: Thanksgiving Break

Monday 11/27:
Due: Notes on Ch. 6.1-6.6
In Class: Review Quiz, Introduce Work and Energy
HW: Notes Ch. 6.7-6.11

Tuesday 11/28:
Due: Notes Ch. 6.7-6.11
In Class: Finish notes and discussion, Lab - Energy of Marbles,
HW: Worksheet pg. 21

Wednesday 11/29:
Due: Lab Questions
In Class: Review HW, practice work-energy problems and conservation of energy
HW: Print study guide and begin completing it, Study for Quiz

Thursday 11/30:
Due: Show printed study guide with progress
In Class: Gizmo - Pendulums, Lab - Shoe Drop
HW: Complete Lab Calculations and Answer Questions. Study for Quiz

Friday 12/1:
Due: None
In Class: Finish Lab - Work-Energy-Power, Lab Quiz, Practice and Review for Quiz
HW: Study for QuizQuizizz 

Monday 12/4:
Due:Study for Quiz
In Class: Quiz - Work, Energy, and Power, Introduce Electricity
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 10.1-6

Unit 8: Motion Part 2

Tuesday 11/7:
Due: Motion Quiz #1 Study Guide
In Class: Quick Review, Quiz - Metrics and Position Graphing
HW: None

Wednesday 11/8:
Due: None
In Class: Introduce velocity-Time Graphs, Lab - Speed and Velocity Graphs
HW: Read and Take Notes 2.5-2.10

Thursday 11/9:
Due: Notes 2.5-2.10
In Class: Lab Analysis, Gizmo - Velocity vs. Time Graphs
HW: Finish Gizmo

Friday 11/10 No School - Teacher In-Service Day

Monday 11/13:
Due: Notes on Ch. 2.5-10
In Class: Introduce Acceleration caused by force, class discussion
HW: Notes on Ch. 3.1-9

Tuesday 11/14:
Due:  Notes on Ch. 3.1-9
In Class: Notes - Newton's Laws continued, Hyperdoc - Newton's Laws of Motion
HW: Newton's Laws Study Guide (Updated)

Wednesday 11/15:
Due: Notes on Ch. 3.1-9
In Class: Notes on Newton's Laws cont., Practice with Newton's 1st Law, Hyperdoc - cont.
HW:  Read and Take Notes on Ch. 4.1-4, Newton's Laws Study Guide (Updated)

Video "What Happens When an Immovable Object Meets an Unstoppable Force?"

Thursday 11/16:
Due: Notes on Ch. 4.1-4
In Class: Finish Notes, Practice with Newton's 2nd Law, Hyperdoc - cont.
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 4.5-8, Newton's Laws Study Guide (Updated)

Friday 11/17:
Due: Finish Gizmo Packet, Read and Take Notes on Ch. 4.5-8
In Class: Practice with Newton's 3rd Law, Review for Quiz, Finish Hyperdoc presentations
HW: Newton's Laws Study Guide

Monday 11/20:
Due: Newton's Laws Study Guide
In Class: Gizmo - Free Fall Laboratory, Review for Quiz
HW: Newton's Laws Study Guide

Tuesday 11/21:
Due: Newton's Laws Study Guide
In Class: Motion Quiz 2 - Newton's Laws of Motion
HW: Notes on Ch. 6.1-6.6

Unit 7: Motion Part 1

Monday 10/30: (Quarter 2 begins)
Due: None
In Class: Metric Measurements, SI Units, and conversions
HW: Metric Conversions Worksheet

Tuesday 10/31:
Due: Conversions Worksheet
In Class:  Review HW, NearPod - Scalar vs. Vector Measurements, Lab - Paper Airplanes
HW: Read and Take Notes Ch. 2.1-4

Wednesday 11/1:
Due: Notes Ch. 2.1-4
In Class: Finish Notes, Distance vs. Displacement Gizmo
HW: Finish Airplane Lab Questions

Thursday 11/2:
Due: Airplane Lab Questions
In Class: Review Lab, Walking the Graph Activity
HW: Motion Quiz #1 Study Guide

Friday 11/3:
Due: None
In Class: Walking the Graph Activity, Gizmo - Distance vs Time Graphs
HW: Motion Quiz #1 Study Guide, How to use the GUESS method, Finish Gizmo packet and online questions

Monday 11/6:
Due: Finish Gizmo packet and online questions
In Class: Finish Gizmo, Walking the Graph Activity, Graphic Analysis Worksheet, Review for Quiz
HW: Motion Quiz #1 Study Guide

Tuesday 11/7:
Due: Motion Quiz #1 Study Guide
In Class: Quiz - Metrics and Position Graphing, Introduce velocity-Time Graphs
HW: Draw you predictions for position, speed, and velocity vs. time graphs

Unit 6: Chemical Reactions

Thursday 10/12:
Due: None
In Class: Notes and Discussion - Physical vs Chemical Reactions
HW: Notes Ch. 20.1-3

Friday 10/13: No School - NEOEA Day

Monday 10/16:  Dress for Lab
Due: Notes Ch. 20.1-3
In Class: Review classifying physical vs. chemical changes, Lab - Evidence of a Chemical Reaction
HW: Study for Chemical Reactions QuizMid-Term Study Guide

Tuesday 10/17:  
Due: Online Gizmo Questions - Balancing Chemical Equations
In Class: Review lab, Lab Quiz, Balancing Chemical EquationsPractice balancing chemical equations and classifying types of chemical reactions
HW: Finish Gizmo packet - Balancing Chemical Equations, Read and Take Notes on Ch. 20.4-5, Study for Chemical Reactions QuizMid-Term Study Guide

Wednesday 10/18: Dress for Lab
Due: Gizmo Packet - Balancing Chemical Equations, Read and Take Notes on Ch. 20.4-5
In Class: Lab - Formula for an Ionic Compound, Binder Grading cont., Finish discussion of Physical and Chemical Reactions
HW: Finish lab questions, Study for Chemical Reactions QuizMid-Term Study Guide

Thursday 10/19: Dress for Lab
Due: Post-Lab Questions, 
In Class: Review Lab and take Lab Quiz, Notes - Chemical Reactions and Energy, Lab - Endothermic/Exothermic Reactions, Binder Grading
Friday 10/20:
Due: Completed lab paper
In Class: Finish discussion of Chemical Reactions and Energy, Review lab and take Lab Quiz 
Monday 10/23:
Due: None
In Class: Review for Chemical Reactions Quiz
HW: Study for Chemical Reactions QuizMid-Term Study Guide

Tuesday 10/24:
In Class: Quiz - Chemical Reactions, Review for Mid-Term Exam
HW: Mid-Term Study GuideIndex Card - (3x5 card, one-sided, handwritten)

Wednesday 10/25:
Due: None
In Class: Review for Mid-Term Exam
HW: Mid-Term Study GuideIndex Card - (3x5 card, one-sided, handwritten)

Thursday 10/26:
Due: Index Card - (3x5 card, one-sided, handwritten)
In Class: Review for Mid-Term Exam

Friday 10/27: (End of Quarter 1 grading period)
In Class: Mid-Term Exam
HW: None

Unit 5: Classifying Matter, Mixtures, and Solutions

The Mid-Term exam is scheduled for Friday October 27th.  The study guide can be found under Class Resources.

Friday 9/29:

Due: Study for Quiz - class handouts
In Class: Quiz - Chemical BondsDiscussion and practice with bond polarity and properties of water
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 17.1-4

Monday 10/2:

Due: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 17.1-4
In Class: Review Chemical Bonds quiz, Water Lab Exploration, Introduce Mixtures
HW: Read and Take Notes Ch. 19.1-3

Tuesday 10/3:(substitute)
Due: Notes Ch. 19.1-3
In Class: Finish Ch. 19 Notes, Review Notes handout, Classifying Matter Activity
HW: finish classwork

Wednesday 10/4: (substitute)

Due: None
In Class: Separating a mixture lab procedure, organizing binders, Solubility graph worksheet, work on Mid-Term Study Guide
HW: Finish classwork

Thursday 10/5:
Due: Ch. 19 notes, classifying matter activity, organized binder, solubility graph worksheet
In Class: Review notes, Lab - Mixtures, Compounds, and Elements, Discuss lab procedures
HW: Finalize lab procedure

Friday 10/6:

Due: Written Lab Procedure
In Class: Lab - Separating a Mixture
HW: Revised lab procedure, Study for Quiz

Monday 10/9: No School - Teacher In-Service Day

Tuesday 10/10:

Due: Revised lab procedure
In Class: Lab - Mixtures, Compounds, and Elements, Review for Quiz, Continue Binder Grading
HW: Study for Quiz

Wednesday 10/11: (short class periods)

Due: Study for Quiz
In Class: Quiz - Classifying Matter, Mixtures, and Solutions, Binder Grading
HW: None

Unit 4: Chemical Bonding

Practice Quizizz: go to and enter code: 938344

Tuesday 9/19:

Due: Nuclear Reactions Study Guide
In Class: Quiz - Nuclear Reactions, Color Coding the Periodic Table
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 17.6-8

Wednesday 9/20:

Due: Notes on Ch. 17.6-8
In Class: Notes - Periodic Trends, Electron Dot Diagrams
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 18.1-18.4

Thursday 9/21:

Due: Notes on Ch. 18.1-18.4
In Class: Notes - Chemical Bonding
HW: Ions and Ionic Compounds Worksheet

 Friday 9/22:

Due: Ions and Ionic Compounds Worksheet
In Class: Gizmo - Ionic Bonds, Game - "Go Fishing for Ions" 
HW: Finish Gizmo and Online Questions

Monday 9/25:
Due: Gizmo - Ionic Bonds
In Class: Game - "Go Fishing for Ions"
HW: Notes on Ch. 18.5-7, Dress for lab on Monday (bring hair ties and close-toed shoes)

Tuesday 9/26:  

Due: Notes on Ch. 18.5-7, Dress for lab (bring hair ties and close-toed shoes)
In Class: Finish Notes on Chemical Bonds, Lab - Electricity and Ionic Solutions
HW: Study for Quiz - class handouts

Wednesday 9/27:

Due: None
In Class: Gizmo - Covalent BondsWorksheet - Comparing Chemical Bonds, Practice Drawing Lewis Diagrams and Naming Compounds, Chemical Bonding Worksheet
HW: Study for Quiz - class handouts

Thursday 9/28:

Due: None
In Class: Review Study Guide, Ch. 18 Table Challenge, Discuss Polar Bonds and Water - Notes
HW: Study for Quiz - class handouts

Friday 9/29:

Due: Study for Quiz - class handouts
In Class: Quiz - Chemical BondsDiscussion and practice with bond polarity and properties of water, water demos
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 17.1-4

Unit 3: Nuclear Reactions

Practice Quizizz for Atoms Quiz - code: 828647

Tuesday 9/12:

Due: Atoms Study Guide
In Class: Atoms Quiz, Notes - Nuclear Reactions
HW: Read and take notes on Ch. 16.1-16.5, Mystery Element

Wednesday 9/13:
Due: Notes on Ch. 16.1 - 16.5
In Class: Finish Notes - Nuclear Reactions, Nuclear Decay Scheme
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 16.6-9,  Mystery Element

Thursday 9/14:

Due: Notes on Ch. 16.6-9, selected mystery isotope
In Class: Nuclear Decay Cards Activity, Lab - Half-Life
HW: Nuclear Reaction Study GuideFinish Nuclear Reactions Lab Packet, Mystery Element

Friday 9/15:
Due: Nuclear Reactions Lab Packet, Mystery Element
In Class: Review for the Nuclear Reactions quiz
HW: Nuclear Reactions Study Guide

Practice Quizizz: go to and enter code: 938344

Monday 9/18:

Due: Completed lab packet and graphs
In Class: Review for quiz
HW: Nuclear Reactions Study Guide code: 938344

Tuesday 9/19:

Due: Nuclear Reactions Study Guide
In Class: Quiz - Nuclear Reactions, Color Coding the Periodic Table
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 17.6-8

Unit 2: Atoms, Ions, and Isotopes

Tuesday 9/5:
Due: Study for Quiz
In Class: Quick Review, Quiz - Density and Heat (Ch. 8-9)
HW: Read and Take Notes Ch. 15.1-5

Wednesday 9/6:

Due: Notes Ch. 15.1-5
In Class: Chemistry Pretest, Video – The Size of an AtomGizmo - Element Builder (packet only) 
HW: Finish the Gizmo packet

Thursday 9/7:

Due: Gizmo packet
In Class: Explore this Periodic Table and Color your P.T., Practice Worksheets
HW:  Study Guide

Optional: Practice Quizizz for Ch. 15 go to and enter code: 131167

Friday 9/8:

Due:  None
In Class: NearPod Notes AtomsDiscuss Gizmo, Review for Atoms quiz
HW: Study Guide

Monday 9/11:

Due: Atoms Study Guide
In Class: Atoms Quiz, Notes - Nuclear Reactions
HW: Read and take notes on Ch. 16.1-16.5

Unit 1: Density and Heat

Thursday 8/24: School Year Begins!

Due: An eager and inquisitive mind . . . ready to learn science! Course Supplies - See Checklist
In Class: Introductions, Register for Online Resources, Gizmos (2) - Density
HW: Signed Contracts, Student Information FormYour Learning Style Google Form, Bring materials for tomorrow's density project (ex. eraser, styrofoam, thumbtacks, stables, rubber bands, corks . . . a collection of sinkers and floaters in a ziplock bag)

Bonus Opportunity Due Monday

Friday 8/25:

Due: Signed Contracts, Student Information FormYour Learning Style Google Form, Bring Density Objects for today's project (eraser, styrofoam, thumbtacks, stables, rubber bands, corks . . . a collection of sinkers and floaters in a ziplock bag)
In Class: Notes - Density and Properties of Matter, Practice Problems and graphical interpretations
HW: Read and Take Notes on Ch. 8.1-4, Bring in more density project items (optional)

Monday 8/28:
Due: Bonus OpportunityCourse Supplies Due - See Checklist, Read and Take Notes on Ch. 8.1-4, Bring Density Objects for today's project (eraser, styrofoam, thumbtacks, stables, rubber bands, corks . . . a collection of sinkers and floaters in a ziplock bag)
In Class:  Finish notes discussion, Safety Video and Quiz, Work on Gizmos, Work on Density Project
HW: Finish Density Gizmo packet (do not answer online questions)

Tuesday 8/29:
Due: Finish Density Gizmo packet (do not answer online questions)
In Class: Finish Gizmos, Finish Project - Ups and Downs of Density, Prepare Liquid Density Lab Procedure
HW: Finish Ups and Downs of Density lab paper (front and back), Prepare Liquid Density Lab Procedure

Wednesday 8/30:

Due: Ups and Downs of Density lab paper (front and back), Prepare Liquid Density Lab Procedure
In Class: (Rock Lab) Lab - Liquid Density
HW: Finish Lab Graph and Questions, Read and Take Notes Ch. 9.1-4

Thursday 8/31:
Due: Read and Take Notes Ch. 9.1-4, Lab Graph and Questions
In Class: Introduction to Heat - Notes, Make a Thermometer, Heat Demos
HW: Read and Take Notes Ch. 9.5-10, Study for Quiz

Friday 9/1:
Due: Notes Ch. 9.5-10, Study for Quiz
In Class: Lab Challenge - Race to the Temp, Finish Notes and Demos, Gizmo - Phase Change, Water Graph, Review for Quiz - Density and Heat
HW: Study for Quiz

Optional Study Tool:  Go to and enter code: 325792.  You can do this as many times as you want to help prepare for Tuesday's quiz.

Monday 9/4: No School - Labor Day

Tuesday 9/5:

Due: Study for Quiz
In Class: Quiz - Density and Heat (Ch. 8-9), Introduce Atoms
HW: Read and Take Notes Ch. 15.1-5 (Here is a helpful note-taking template)